About The Artist
Shortly after graduating from Maryland Institute of Art in Baltimore in 1983, Jeff went on to learn about mould making. Combining his artist abilities together with the age-old craft of architectural sculpting seemed like a natural partnership.
Founding OPW in 1989, he quickly saw the potential for greatness. Now years later he is creating some of the most beautiful ceilings in the entire United States. Having the ability to sculpt and design combined with a great education in the arts is very important. Otherwise, you can only copy what has been done. Being able to take "what was", and make it "what is", is intensely more satisfying.
Combining sculpting and painting Jeff produces absolutely magnificent grand interiors. "A mix of textures and contrast, proportions and scale is always the challenge."
Every day at work, Jeff and his associates, strive to create and produce the finest quality mouldings possible. Using the newest methods of reinforcements and drying techniques, OPW's production capabilities are unmatched. "For our clients we can design and produce all periods of styles. From English Tracery to detailed Coffer Ceilings, Mantels, Pediments, Cornices and Libraries."
If you are designing a home and want the best in quality and details, give us a call for a free consultation.